What is it?
Do you enjoy tasting dishes from all over the world? Then you might find it even more fun to make these yourself! By downloading the Eatwith app on your smartphone, you can get in touch with locals from all over the world. You can make online or offline appointments via this app to learn how to make your favorite meal together. You will learn all about the ins and outs of the meal, how they have been making it for generations long and you will also get to know new people. You can think of making lasagna with an Italian friend or making dumplings with a Chinese person. Cooking through YouTube videos is no longer relevant with the Eatwith app! It’s not only educational and fun to cook with someone, but it’s also with live contact so you can ask anything you want during the cooking. (Sutton, 2020)
Why it’s Cool?
The concept behind Eatwith interlocks perfectly with the millennial mindset, one of the
most traveling generations often connected to experience economies. The main reasons
why it’s cool can be divided as follows:
- The concept behind Eatwith is to bring people together through the comfort of their homes, a unique personal experience to learn about other people, and a different culture. Fitting for a generation that travels mostly to explore new cultures.
- Finding a host and experience is easily done through the mobile Eatwith app. Just fill in what you’re looking for and with a few clicks, you’re able to find a matching host! This is especially fitting for the millennial consumer because they make use of their mobile phone a lot while booking and traveling.

Why it has future growth potential?
More and more people are looking for a unique experience, they want to be more aware of what they eat, this app offers them the perfect solution. Cooking pasta with an Italian or making dumplings with a Chinese from your home gives this unique experience.
People learn more about cooking, can ask questions in the meantime and this is more fun and easier than reading a recipe in a cookbook. In addition, you gain more knowledge about a different culture. Moreover, you can arrange everything via the app, so this is very easy and useful. This is ideal in times where we are increasingly making use of the digital network.
Everyone wants a trip around the world from your own kitchen, isn’t it? Also, this is much more fun than just sitting alone in a restaurant.
- Sutton, A. (2020). Eatwith. Board of Innovation. Retrieved 1 september 2020, from boardofinnovation.com/blog/40-food-innovations-that-excite-us/
- 60+ Millennial Travel Statistics & Trends (2020). (2020). Retrieved 1 September 2020, from https://www.condorferries.co.uk/millennials-travel-statistics-trends
- Millennial Travel Trends & How to Brands Reach Them | Internet Marketing Inc. — Generation Statistics & Size. (2020). Retrieved 1 September 2020, from https://www.internetmarketinginc.com/blog/millennial-travel-trends/
- Food Experiences With Locals Around The World | Eatwith. (2020). Retrieved 1 September 2020, from https://www.eatwith.com/pages/about-us