Mirjana Boznovska and Sonja van den Bosch are co-founders and executive directors of One Beyond Success, a company that focuses on personal development and empowerment. Mirjana has a background in business and human behavior, having built and sold her own accounting firm. Sonja is a global business and marketing leader with experience in various industries, including fitness.

They believe that true success comes from the quality of one’s being rather than simply focusing on actions and achievements. They emphasize the importance of personal growth and challenging the status quo of one’s thinking and behavior patterns. They encourage individuals to question their own definitions of success and to align their work and life experiences with their own values and desires.

In the fitness industry, they argue that sustainable health and fitness habits cannot be achieved solely through exercise and nutrition programs. They emphasize the need for empowered behavior and motivation, as well as a sense of connection and purpose. They believe that health and fitness decisions are emotional and require understanding and addressing the drivers and blockages that hold individuals back.

They also address skepticism about the industry’s willingness to embrace their “Doing-Being” model. They argue that it is essential for the industry to care and move away from a one-size-fits-all approach. They believe that the cookie-cutter approach to health and fitness fails to address individual needs and can perpetuate limiting beliefs. They advocate for an intrinsic-focused approach that leads to long-term sustainable change.

Limiting beliefs, according to them, can be shaped by societal standards and upbringing. They highlight the negative impact of learned behaviors and the importance of challenging and shifting these patterns. They also acknowledge that everyone experiences the human condition and has biases and blind spots, but self-awareness and choosing differently can lead to personal growth and the ability to experience the highest quality of work and life.

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