Trend-setting is having the effect of starting or helping to popularize a new trend, fashion, style, movement. It started before the social media evolution, The first trendsetters were members of the ruling class, particularly monarchs and aristocrats. Queen Elizabeth I, for example, adorned herself as if her person were the state, creating an unassailable image for herself as Britain’s monarch. Similarly, Louis XIV of France dressed to impress, and also set rules regulating what members of the court aristocracy were to wear. By the eighteenth century, however, trends were increasingly set by individuals in urban centers, such as Paris and London, rather than at court.
With the social media and digital marketing evolution, Trends and Trending emerges to the surface supported by influencers.
Nusret Gökçe nicknamed Salt Bae, is a Turkish butcher, chef, food entertainer and restaurateur whose technique for preparing and seasoning meat became an Internet meme in January 2017. Two to three years after, the trend and popularity coming with it, faded away.
” Trends come and go, we don’t want to be trend-followers, we want to be trend-setters ” said Martin B. Jones, one of the top leaders in hospitality.
Emotional intelligence, passion and social interaction are the Trend-setting of Hospitality.

With all the access to new technologies that help collecting customers data, besides the marketing platform that generate customers desires according to their generation, their demographic location and other aspects; social interaction is what matters the most.
A good example is the Hiring procedures used in Alma Hotel Barcelona, “We are looking for people who are dedicated and honest” said Aoaquin Ausejo Asiain head of the hotel.

The sum of values and behavior the company requires to insure the staff emotional intelligence that empowers them to think by themselves.
Technologies can know everything, but it can not be emotional intelligent. The key of Hospitality is to be hospitable, to engage respectfully with customers and give the best service.

Personalization in the Hospitality field is not a new trend, in 2005 at The Westin Kuala Lumpur, Martin B. Jones created a new customer service program, where staffs are encouraged to learn and recognize guests by their names.
Personalization, Wellbeing and Healthy life style are another Trend-setting in the F&B industry, engaging with customers, asking about their allergies and intolerances before recommending a meal is highly effective. It is giving a great service by personalizing customer’s orders according to their needs. The trend-setting of personalization evolving to stay.

- It is cool and fun to interact with people, not to forget the human factor in hospitality because of the tech revolution
- The future of hospitality is in personalization that implies excellent customer service
- The trend was always there and the more we update it up to our customers desires, the more we evolve in our industry.
- It generates more customers and loyalty
Trend-setting of personalization is not a trend to fade away, its there to stay, and its potential growth in the future is connected to updating it through pandemics, diseases, allergies, fashion..etc
Customers are not numbers, they are people, brothers, fathers, mothers, human who are coming to the hotel or restaurant to be served by friendly staff that interacts with them and provide good experience.
Fairmont Hotels recognized the power of this trend and acted upon it
Carl Rohde
Li Huang