Adam M Lamb is a Chef, speaker, author, coach, and consultant to the hospitality industry as an expert in culture and leadership. A professional chef for thirty years, Adam is also the producer and host of the podcast Chef Life Radio. A storyteller from an early age, Adam sang in an all-original rock and roll band in the ’90. He has three siblings, three adult children, and one grandson. Adam’s published works include: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable, Profanity & Its Proper Use, and An Initiated Man, Finally. His newest book, Circle Jerk – Lessons of Manhood My Father Never Taught Me, is due in summer 2022. He lives with his wife, Jennifer, In the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he produces a line of Pepper Sauces and makes goat cheese in his spare time. Adam born in1960, Medford Mass. He is not a generation Z guy. Adam went through several difficult moments in his job as a result of hard work, which seriously affected his health. He decided to pass on his experiences to the new generations of hospitality.!

Chef Adam Lamb Mission is to help kitchen workers break free from the routine mentality and find their flow.
“My clients are chefs and hospitality professionals who no longer want to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their careers. Individuals that are either ready for their next big career move or are transitioning out of the field and want to harness their skills to land the perfect job and a great life.”
Chef Life Radio (Podcast)
The Brigada Weekly Newsletter
www.chefliferadio.com (Coaching services)
Youtube Chanel: Chef Adam M LambCo-host of “Turning the Table”.
Active posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube.
He writes to his followers and community members the following message:
“But if my disaster is my message, know that – regardless of where you are right now – you too can become the best version of yourself, regardless of what that voice in your head tells you. You’ll learn some valuable insights and perspectives that will help you have a fulfilling career and an amazing life.”

He specialises in Emotional Intelligence coaching for chefs and hospitality professionals . But what is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they’re telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. It also involves your perception of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively. The American psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman first coined the term emotional intelligence. He wrote for the New York Times for over 12 years, reporting on the complexity of the human brain and behavioral sciences.
Goleman’s EQ theory comprises five core components: Empathy (I Sense Your Pain), Effective Communication (Social Skills), Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, and Self-Motivation.

His work focuses on the following aspects:
- Discover game-changing strategies to fortify your mental health within the demanding hospitality sector.
- Learn the incredible benefits of creating safe spaces and fostering a supportive community among industry professionals.
- Dive into the unique challenges and shifts that the newest generation faces as they enter the modern workforce.
- Uncover the indispensable role of compassion, grace, and collective effort in building a thriving hospitality environment.
- Explore the profound impact of trauma on mental health and gain valuable insights on healing and self-realization.
- Gain invaluable insights into enhancing mental well-being support in the high-stress world of hospitality.
- Appreciate the importance of creating a secure and nurturing environment that cultivates camaraderie among industry practitioners.
- Get a firsthand look at the hurdles and transformations experienced by the emerging generation in the workforce.
- Recognize the power of empathy, patience, and collaboration in championing the growth of the industry.
- Confront the toll that trauma takes on mental well-being and learn about the essential journey towards healing and self-valorization.
- Dive deep into the crucial steps you can take to strengthen your mental health within the challenging landscape of the hospitality industry.
- Understand the significance of creating a safe haven and fostering a sense of belonging for professionals in the field.
- Analyze the dynamic trials and transformations faced by the youth workforce in today’s ever-evolving hospitality workplace culture.
Because he has…
Empathy: Adam knows firsthand the hard work of the kitchen and understands the stress levels involved in this profession. He can understand his clients and guides his clients on how best to deal with the stress and pressure of the job.
Effective Communication: He has always been a very nice and pleasant person. She likes to talk, share, discuss, listen, understand and cooperate. For his coaching work he is always at ease with co-workers, guests and clients. He is open to communication. He shares his personal experiences on Facebook. He is authentic in his Potcats, Videos and Blogs!
Self-Motivation: His EQ was always in need of transmission and sharing. In his youth he explored music and literature boths are also part of his hobbies.
But his biggest motivation is to support the new generations of the hospitality industry. His motivation is to make a great contribution to the new culture of cooking!
Self-Awareness: has a lot of self-knowledge, with a long career of 30 years of work as a Chef and also of personal life. Because with 63 years of life, one can speak with confidence about life experiences. He recognises his strengths and weaknesses. He has learned from them and wants to pass on this emotional knowledge to his customers.
Self-Regulation: recommends meditation a lot, because that was the healthy path he found in his search to find himself. He recognises that people tend to seek addictions to compensate for stress and pressure, especially at work. It becomes a vicious circle. He works with his clients on meditation methods to focus them on a path of emotional detoxification. Self-Regulation techniques are part of their coaching programmes.
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