With a new age of digital marketing upon us, more and more companies find that just using the same app that Gen Zs and Millennials simply isn’t enough; you have to talk like them, incorporate their likes, use their humour. The brands that get it, get it! More and more we see top brands on Twitter posting tweets that older generations don’t think is funny or simply don’t understand. They don’t know the references, they think the humour is dark, or find the words mean. But as the younger generations enter the workforce, the consumer pool, and are becoming the main audience, we will continue to see this trend grow. Suppose there is a hotel under construction for Twitter and only the top accounts with community engagement are allowed. Checking-in today, for what seems like a life-long stay, is Charmin, Wendy’s, Netflix, Denny’s, and many more.

- Audience These companies have found a medium and a mode in which to reach the coming generations and promote their product while speaking their language and not even explicitly advertising the product. They poke fun, they’re up to date on trends, and incorporate pop culture.
- Visibility How often do you see a funny ad on TV and record it to send to someone? Or an ad in the paper or a magazine and cut it out to give to someone? Never. But on Twitter, others can repost, add a comment, share, screenshot, etc. You don’t have to be at a specific place at a specific time.
- Price Point Do you have any idea how much it costs to broadcast an ad on network TV? Over $105,000. Only to broadcast, but think about the price point to also make the ad. And that’s hoping your target audience is watching that channel! Vs. how much is a Twitter account? Free. Only bottom line is paying the millennial a salary as your Marketing Manager!
- Reach Another great feature of this new age is the ability to interact, with some posts being purely conversational. There’s no response when it comes to TV ads and billboards; no back and forth to keep the consumer engaged and entertained. Now? Companies can keep the dialogue going with thousands at a time, keeping their interests piqued and connecting on their level and continuing to bond, rounding out the digital loyalty loop

Just like everything else in life, marketing must adapt. We are no longer in the age of watching primetime TV, picking up a daily newspaper, and recording missed TV shows. In order to adapt, we must constantly look to the future consumers and anticipate their needs and what’s important to them. Yesterday was facts: what can your product do, how well, and for how much. Today it’s are you brining humour into your ads, is it light, or does it incorporate something from a hit movie, trending meme, or new a new album that just dropped. Tomorrow? Well, who knows, but it’s never too early to anticipate, anticipate, anticipate.
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