It is certainly true that the Internet has given a clear and collective voice to many oppressed groups. That is a reason why autocratic regimes censure the social media as if their lives depend on it. However, the contemporary giants of the Net have transformed themselves above all into algorithmic predators that reap all the personal data we leave behind on ‘their’ Internet in order to bundle it cleverly and sell it to the highest bidding advertiser. Advertisers now can trace exactly the favorite brand of dog food those once anonymous dogs in front of a computer like most.
There are no innocent dogs left.
About the author:
Prof. Dr. Carl C.Rohde is a worldwide reputed trend watcher and cultural sociologist who distinguishes himself by his academic depth and by the broad scope of his empirical research projects. Rohde gives lectures and presentations all over the world — both in the academic circuit and in the business circuit.
Besides that, Carl Rohde leads, a virtual network of market and trend researchers worldwide. Science of the time, is one of the leading trend watch and innovation research institutes worldwide and conducts the biggest international Youth Mentality trend research.
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