No, I am not talking about that new sci-fi movie. I am talking about this cool seed Mojo Vision, a smart contact lens which makes sci-fi movies reality. This seed gives a new perspective on technological developments in the world. Maybe this is the beginning of a new world? A world in which people can become hybrid robots themselves.
So, let’s discuss this very exciting seed! First, I will introduce you to the product and envision what it feels like to wear these contact lenses in real life.
‘’And through a pin-sized glowing green dot, I saw the text, displayed in a demo loop. The time. A sports score. The weather. Health data, like heart rate. A message, as if sent from a friend. It was like the world’s smallest pair of smartglasses, right in my eye. A smart contact lens. This is what Mojo Vision is gunning for, and it feels… well, it feels like tech that came from the year 2020.’’ (Stein, 2020)
Mojo is a smart contact lens that puts augmented reality in front of your eyes. It has a built-in display which provides you with information without disturbing your focus. This lens gives you the information that you need at the exact moment that you require the information.
As an example, imagine the situation that you have to find the address of one of your scheduled appointments, Mojo Vision will provide turn-by-turn directions while you are walking. In addition, Mojo vision can provide you with your daily agenda and it can enable you to take points for your presentation. This lens reminds you of what is important and what priorities you have on a daily basis without requiring any cell phone use or distractions from other technical devices.
‘’Mojo is dedicated to helping individuals reach their highest potential in work, play, and life while staying connected to people and events in the real world.’’ (Mojo, Our mission, 2020 )

This lens merges the real world around us with digital information.
Mojo Vision makes A.I. become part of the human body. This technology can be intimidating, but also kind of cool. Because A.I. intelligence is able to expand someone’s capabilities on a daily basis.
Mojo is ‘’a display that never gets in the way’’ (Mojo, A vision of the future, 2020 )
The lens understands when you need certain information and the activities in which you are engaged in. It contains software that understands your context. It is cool that a lens can be so involved in your daily activities and understand whether something is relevant or not.
It makes wearing artificial intelligence less scary and awkward because Mojo’s concept is about invisible computing. The unique selling point of the Mojo vision is that it enables the user to have high tech A.I. software in front of their peripheral vision without being noticed. It contains the ability to close your eyes and interact with the A.I. technology.
These lenses could facilitate people whose vision impairment could use some help.
“The Mojo Lens will be able to help people who have low-vision conditions, like macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, which is a type of tunnel vision, night blindness,” Sinclair said. “We’ve built a lens that can help them, but it can also give those of us that don’t have those conditions, in a way, superpowers to be able to see things that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to see. ’’ (Stein, 2020)
What if Mojo Vision is turning out to be more than just a helping hand. What if their product will be developed as a new device you carry every day? What if there will be no boundaries anymore between the digital world and the real world?
‘’I’ve only had one demo in a hotel suite in Las Vegas. But I’ve needed the last week to process all of this because the possibilities feel wilder than anything I’ve experienced before. I wouldn’t even call these lenses augmented reality. They feel, instead, like something bionic.’’ (Stein, 2020)
People could improve their job skills when using the Mojo Vision lens. It could have the capability to maximize productivity in people’s daily activities and increase efficiency in their working environment.
This product could be an opportunity to change something between the relationship that we have with some of our screens. It makes it less intrusive by making things look and feel human. Wearing a contact lens that is subtle and hard to notice.
The concept that human beings and artificial intelligence could operate with one another on a daily basis in the distant future is mind-blowing. These innovative solutions create a gateway between the interaction between human beings and robotics and therefore provide an interesting perspective to the way that humans and technology may interact in the distant future.
Stein, S. (2020, January 24). A single contact lens could give your entire life a head-up display. Retrieved from Cnet : https://www.cnet.com/health/a-single-contact-lens-could-give-your-entire-life-a-head-up-display/
Our mission . (2020 ). Retrieved from Mojo : https://www.mojo.vision/about
Mojo. (2020 ). Our mission. Retrieved from Mojo : https://www.mojo.vision/about
Mojo. (2020 ). A vision of the future . Retrieved from Mojo : https://www.mojo.vision/mojo-lens
Melissa Claerhoudt
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-Melissa Claerhoudt-
Chantal Lankhof