A story by Eef Konings, Youzza Mulder & Rosanne Nagtzaam
What is it?
How cool would it be if blind or partially sighted people could perceive colours? New techniques have been developed that can now make this happen. Should you be curious about this development, please read on!
Next sense is a technique to expand perceptions with ‘new’ and ‘extra’ senses. For example, Cyborg artist Neil Harbisson invented a camera that translates colours into vibrations that he can “hear”. In this way colours can be perceived. Just think of Braille script, it is also possible to feel letters through that script.
Why it’s Cool?
This is cool because people who are blind or partially sighted can still perceive colours. They can perceive these colours by vibrations emitted by the camera placed on the forehead. This means we don’t necessarily need new tech to ‘see’ because the core focus is now placed on ‘sound’. In addition, the brain of a partially sighted or blind person automatically sharpens other senses, making their hearing sense stronger than an average person’s. The idea of converting colours into sound is therefore more suitable than, for example, focusing on improving sight, if this is still even possible. These advancements could be developed much further so that there are more possibilities to do more in future.
Why it has future growth potential?
The development of converting colour to vibrations can also be translated to vibrations of food. The dish that is served to a person who is visually impaired or blind can be translated into vibrations so that they can perceive their dish. In this manner, visually impaired people will also have the ability to enjoy a luxurious meals too. This technology will make it possible to create the ultimate dining experience for people who are visually impaired or blind.
To me, this is art, the creation of a new sense
— N Harbisson
This is a story of the Futurist Club
By Science of the Time
Written by: Eef Konings, Youzza Mulder & Rosanne Nagtzaam

Hi, my name is Youzza. I’m an Food Innovation student and I’m 21 years old. I am now in my final year of my study. I’ve lived in Tilburg for as long as I can remember. I still live at home, which I still find very pleasant. I have also been playing hockey since I was 7. Outside of hockey I really enjoy socializing, music, food and I enjoy trying new recipes every now and then. After my current study I want to go to University.
IG account: Youzzamulder

My name is Eef Konings and I am 23 years old. 3 years ago I started at the study of Food Innovation, during this study I found my interest in Food Marketing & Business. I can’t wait to start working at a great company in the food industry at a marketing department in a year’s time! In the evenings I like to go to the gym where I can spend my energy by participating in group lessons and at the weekend I prefer to have a drink with some friends.

Hello, my name is Rosanne Nagtzaam. I am 25 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I am currently in my last year of my study Food Innovation at HAS university of applied sciences. I have been interested in nutrition from an early age. I would prefer a great job in Italy as a concept or product developer someday. In my spare time I love to cook, spend time with friends, like to visit the beach and traveling.