What is it?
The vertical dining experience is a set of stacked dishes. Made by Eleni & Coline, this totem-like tower aims to encourage a connection with nature and food. As graduates from the Design academy in Eindhoven, the Netherlands the designers of this installation want to slow down the process of eating. The plates are all closed, stimulating the diner to re-discover and value the various dishes inside. The order of the dishes is very thoughtful. Each plate has a special connection to nature. The top layers contain foods that humans find in higher places, such as figs. The bottom ones contain foods such as carrots and beetroot, found in low places. Moving downwards through these various tiers make the eating process a more mindful experience.

Why is it cool?
This concept is unique because it challenges our current way of dealing with foods. It goes against the fast-paced and unthoughtful consumption of meals. Instead, it slows down the consumption process and lets you appreciate and discover the foods you eat. The order of the dishes makes you aware of the food’s origin which makes you connect to nature in a different way. The designers want to challenge the status quo.
Another cool thing is that the designers were inspired by ancient traditions. So-called deipnosofists were ancient Greek that came together to discuss what was on their table and plate.

Why does it have future growth potential?
This vertical dining experience shows that there is a need to slow down and re-connect. Both with the process of eating and the orgin of the foods we consume. In the future it could happen that the number of people mindfully consuming will rise. Because humanity is challenging its limits and morals, now is the time to doubt our habits and ways of living. Our perception and appreciation towards connection with nature and our basic needs can change. Up for a mindful future?
Carl Rohde
Rahim Ennassiri
Fenne van Mierlo
Youssef Ennassiri
Junior Mokoma