about us

Future Forecasting & Innovation

Founded by professor Carl Rohde, the company has worked with a caleidoscope of companies over the years, often in long term partnerships. A list of these companies can be found in the logo caroussel above. Carl Rohde has been awarded as the first professor Future Forecasting & Innovation at Shanghai Institute of Technology in China.

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who we are

We help companies and institutions worldwide to innovate in credible ways, based on seriously validated trend research.

our history

Our company dates back to 1996. It is one of the first and most reputed trend research and innovation agencies in the world.

our mission

We are eager to train thousands of professionals from all over the world, to become more trend- and innovation sensitive. With a boutique approach.

our performance

Your Partner for Innovation

Our company focusses on validated Cool Mentality Trends because these trends do not disappear overnight. They form a solid platform when it comes to building brands, business and communication concepts, new products and services. Trendwatching and Coolhunting are stimulating and inspiring, but they have to lead somewhere: to thorough innovation. We help companies worldwide to innovate in credible ways, based on seriously validated trend research.
Keynotes & Presentations
Trend & Innovation Research
Teaching & learning
years experience
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universities served
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companies served
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awards won
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About Us

Education & Research

Education & Research are close to our hearts. During the last decade we’ve visited over 50 universities and hotel schools to give Cool hunting classes in Future Forecasting and Innovation. Our founder Carl Rohde has served during this decade as professor/lector both in Shanghai, in Barcelona and in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, The Hague, Tilburg, Maastricht). There he was co-founder of what is now the biggest national education institute for future forecasting and innovation: ‘Trends, Concepting and Lifestyle’ at Fontys Universities.

Our Education & Research methodologies, Cool hunting in the first place, have been tried and tested amongst about ten thousand students on four continents. Next to the companies we have served and are serving. We are over 25 years in business, education and research. It makes us humble and proud. We do something good with our boutique approach.

About Prof. Dr. Carl Rohde
I am eager to bring the highest level of professionalism and expertise in Social & Market Research and other assignments. I deliver services of the best quality and highest standards to the utmost satisfaction of our clients worldwide.
Keynote Speaker

Projects Done


Cups of coffee


Satisfied clients


Projects Winners