You have probably heard of ‘PenPal’, but what about a ‘WorryPal?’ It is a small box containing a person’s major concerns. You start by writing down your concerns, anxieties and uncertainties. When the box is filled with them, you can submit it to the ‘WorryPal’ platform. The platform is in charge of swapping the boxes, and later, you will receive someone else’s box with their concerns. After receiving someone else’s concerns, you can write down advice for them or write something to cheer them up. You must return the box to the WorryPal platform, and you will receive your own box with advice from a stranger. The WorryPal provides a secret, safe and confidential platform for the exchange of the worry boxes. This small box may help a family, a teenager or anyone who wants to be cheered up or relieved of their worries.
According to studies, 79 percent of our concerns are unwarranted. We doubt ourselves, feel uncertain and start becoming anxious about everything. However, do you know that the majority of our concerns will not be realized? What we need is to alleviate our scepticisms, to relieve ourselves from the disbeliefs within ourselves. That’s what WorryPal does.
WorryPal creates a healthy way to release anxiety and worries. Meanwhile, you are trying to think out of the box by giving others advice as well. WorryPal acts as a gateway to connect with like-minded people — but also with very different ones. Feeling comfortable, secure and cared for increases our emotional intelligence. Next to that, it’s inspiring and motivating to know that your replies may be helpful or even empowering to others.

WorryPal is still a concept that needs to be realized. During the pandemic, lots of people are facing uncertainties, even depression. Especially teenagers. They may also struggle with isolation and feelings of loneliness. Writing down your worries and concerns can be easier than sharing your thoughts with someone you know. That’s where WorryPal shows its future growth potential.
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