‘If it is not on social media, it does not exist!’ The food chain company Chipotle knows this and has taken advantage of it. They understand what the Online Digital Loyalty Loop means!
In May 2019, when famous app TikTok first took off, a worker of the company made a video of himself flipping over a lid of one of their products. The video became a sensation, so popular they decided to challenge their customers to create a video doing the same and upload it on TikTok: #lidflipchallenge. The challenge reached 268 Million views in one month. The challenge is open to anybody worldwide, although it is tailored to those who have this American chain of fast-casual restaurants available in their country.
Chipotle makes use of digital marketing superiorly and manages to reach huge amounts of Generation Z and younger Millennials. The brand announces digital sales growth of 88% and revenue growth of 14.6% to $1.4bn since they have started the challenges. People do it for fun but also obtain some meal recompense. This costs little to the company, but is Cool advertising. Chipotle has already reached more than 1.7M followers on TikTok, compared to their 1.1M followers on Instagram.
Creating a strong following on social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, will increase a brand’s popularity and its reach out. Chipotle shows how you can do that. After #lidflipchallenge, they followed up with #guacdance — in honor of avocado day. With #boorito challenge — for Halloween, and several others. For those TikTok users who follow them and also upload the challenge, food retributions are offered.
Elie Daccache
Rahim Ennassiri
Cornelia Natasha
Aya Mheidly