A long, long time ago, all species on planet earth tried to make sure they set forth their genetics. Keeping your offspring alive was most important. Reproduction was needed. But as time passed, one species became so numerous that it crowded the whole sphere. They were humans.
With too many people on the planet, humans started to realise that we can not raise many kids if we want to do it well. Aware of the weight of the upbringing, we became wary of reproducing. As a result, our views on intimacy changed which sometimes led to frustration among individuals. If we grow apart because of our differences, let us rekindle with the act of love.
Intimate time
Is Sacred, sublime
But as we often refuse
To reproduce
This activity gets another use
We want to enjoy the deed
Fulfilling everyone’s needs
Let’s reconnect with our partner well
Don’t know how to do it? This invention will help!
Physical love
Physical love is a collection of accessories that promotes a tender and close feeling during lovemaking. Designer Maciej Głowacki wants people to connect and communicate better while having fun and being present.
The first accessory is a lamp. This lamp is a place where partners can put petals for each intimate thought they have about the other person. Couples are able to open up a conversation about the initiative to be intimate. When the other person accepts the invitation, they can place a gold bee on the lamp, which will make it glow.

The second part of the collection is a heart rate set. Bedpartners get a measuring tool that connects to an earpiece the other partner wears. Being in sync and harmony during sex is enabled because you can listen to your partner’s heartbeat. Besides that, you can learn about the rhythm of your partner which can lead to more satisfaction.

The third and last part of physical love is a jewellery-making kit. After having sexual intercourse, a couple will find a place on each other’s body to make a clay print of. Discovering each other’s bodies is a mindful and fun experience that creates connection and trust. The jewellery serves as a memory of the intimate moments spent together.

What makes this set so interesting?
While we do not often talk about sex as it is taboo, it is sometimes hard to communicate about what we want and to stay in touch with our partners. Maciej Głowacki’s set is different from the extreme fantasies surrounding sexual intercourse these days. Nowadays, sex toys are often individualistic and aim to promote fast pleasure. Physical love, on the other hand, revitalises the social and tender act of lovemaking. The accessories make for fun, harmony and connection.
Why does physical love have future growth potential?
Slowly but surely it seems genders are starting to live opposed to each other instead of next to each other. Our differences in values and needs become a source of frustration. Even though we all have different morals, every human needs touch and desires intimacy. While there is not always a need to reproduce, sex has become a source of pleasure and fun.
With equality becoming a more common value, it is likely that we will move towards a society where we make sure everyone gets what they need. This also counts for intimacy. We will likely aim to close the pleasure gap and ensure all parties involved enjoy the deed. This approach also has to do with a mindful and meaningful life. Maciej Głowacki’s promotes presence and meaning with her work, which could become something that is widely accepted in the future.
How do you see the future of love?
Yue Tan
Amazing! Basically, due to traditional recognition and taboo, people usually reluctant to express their feeling of intercourse and intimate moment. But excellent relationship with bedpartner is really vital for their marriage quality and long-term life.
Besides, the 3 parts of product designing– Before Sex, In the act, After intercourse–is absolutely awesome that you can receive different signal of lovemaking, which is more charming to partner. Especially the Jewellery made of clay print by each other’s body skin after intercourse, you can’t imagine how exciting and joyous you are once glance this secret, hiding unforgettable memory, and body porn symbolism.